What does it take to become a leader in the global chemical and energy industry? Look no further than Harin Jalli, the president and founder of Sonerica Capital for the answer. Jalli has always valued education and emphasizes this key passion. His vast academic achievements have enabled him to become one of the leading experts in the global chemical and energy industry. Jalli holds many degrees including, but not limited to, a Master's of Business Administration in Marketing and Finance from Lehigh University, his Master’s of Science in Mechanical Engineering as well as his Master of Science in Agricultural Engineering from Rutgers University. In addition to these Master’s degrees, Harin Jalli also has his B. Tech (Hons) from the Indian Institute of Technology at Kharagpur. Thanks to his specialized education, Harin Jalli has established himself as a leading professional in the global chemical and energy industry. He has since earning his degrees worked for a number of companies over his thirty plus decades of experience in senior management and leadership positions. Jalli has also managed to cultivate a substantial amount of contacts around the world within the global chemical and energy industry.
Harin Jalli is currently acting president of Sonerica Capital. but in addition to running Sonerica Capital, he also spends time developing as a professional. He can often be located speaking or moderating at world petrochemical conferences. He finds that these conferences give him the chance to develop his knowledge within the industry, as well as interact with other industry professionals.
Harin Jalli is currently acting president of Sonerica Capital. but in addition to running Sonerica Capital, he also spends time developing as a professional. He can often be located speaking or moderating at world petrochemical conferences. He finds that these conferences give him the chance to develop his knowledge within the industry, as well as interact with other industry professionals.