Sunday, 25 September 2016

Profile: Harin Jalli, Connecticut-based Expert

Over more than 30 years, Harin Jalli been using his expertise and education for the betterment of the global chemical and energy industries. He has been able to accomplish as much as he has in those industries because he believes strongly that education is the key to success.

Now one of the world's leading experts in the fields of chemistry and energy, Harin Jalli holds several degrees from the prestigious Lehigh University, including a MBA in Marketing and Finance and two Masters of Science degrees, in Mechanical Engineering and Agricultural Engineering. That's in addition to his degree from the Indian Institute of Technology at Kharagpur, which he earned with honors. He also takes the time to educate others. He is often called upon to share the knowledge he has gained, even in the academic world. He is among the most accessible speakers in the world on the topic of chemistry and he participates in many events around the world that have been designed to educate others in the industry. He has also built a network of resources that is very impressive.